general terms and conditions
1. | General information |
1.1 | The Swiss Surfing Association (SSA), founded in 1992, represents the sport of surfing in Switzerland on a national and international level. We are recognized by the International Surfing Association ISA, Surfing’s World Governing Authority and the European Surfing Federation as the national surfing association of Switzerland. |
1.2 | These general terms and conditions (“GTC”) are the basis for the use of the website and for the use of services, such as in particular the purchase of event tickets, memberships or products. By clicking the checkbox: “I have read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions” the customer declares to accept and comply with the General Terms and Conditions. |
2. | Services |
2.1 | Swiss Surfing and our partners strive to offer our customers the smoothest and most professional service possible using state-of-the-art technology. Swiss Surfing uses proven technology as well as proven experts and partners, using the necessary care. Nevertheless, Swiss Surfing cannot guarantee a faultless or uninterrupted provision of the services or exclude illegal interference in the EDP system or misuse by unauthorized persons and rejects any liability for any damage resulting therefrom. Liability for services of third parties is excluded to the legally permissible extent. |
2.2 | The customer acknowledges without reservation that all services accessed via his account are attributed to him. The customer takes commercially reasonable precautions to keep the password secret and to prevent its use by unauthorized persons or misuse. The customer notifies Swiss Surfing immediately if he has reason to believe that his password could be misused and keeps Swiss Surfing and our partner free from damage caused by unauthorised or abusive use or manipulation of the website or services within his area of responsibility to the legally permissible extent. In case of suspicion of unauthorized or abusive use, Swiss Surfing is in any case entitled to stop or refuse the provision of services. |
3. | Note license fee |
3.1 | The member fee is due immediately and cannot be reclaimed. |
4. | Championships / Events |
4.1 | The participant assures that he/she has read and accepted the Swiss Surfing Competition Rulses of the respective event. |
4.2 | By participating in the event you agree to the rules and instructions of the organizers. Furthermore, you agree that neither we nor our partners shall be liable for any injury, claim, loss or damage resulting from participation in any event. |
4.3 | Swiss Surfing reserve the right to cancel events due to a lack of participants and/or too bad conditions. In this case the whole price will be refunded. Further claims are excluded. |
5. | Insurance |
5.1 | Personal insurance cover is the responsibility of the participating person or his/her parents. |
6. | Dunning |
6.1 | In case of default of payment the participating person owes: CHF 20.00 for the first reminder. CHF 50.00 for each further reminder or for the initiation of debt collection. |
7. | Shipping |
7.1 | The physical products sold on the Swiss Surfing Website will not be shipped abroad. |
8 | Personal details |
8.1 | The customer acknowledges and agrees that Swiss Surfing may obtain knowledge of personal data in connection with the provision and maintenance of the website and the provision of services. Swiss Surfing endeavours to guarantee confidentiality within the legally required and commercially justifiable framework. Read also our Privacy Policy. |
9. | Newsletter |
9.1 | The customer acknowledges and agrees that Swiss Surfing sends its members a sporadic newsletter. The customer can opt out of this newsletter at any time. |
10. | Information |
10.1 | Swiss Surfing makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on the website is complete, up-to-date and correct. However, Swiss Surfing cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information on the website or for transmission errors and disclaims any liability for any damage or activities resulting therefrom. The customer acknowledges that Swiss Surfing cannot assume any guarantee for the contents of linked websites of third parties and rejects any liability for them. |
11. | Rights to website |
11.1 | The website is protected by copyright and other laws. All rights, including ownership and/or usage rights, are owned by Swiss Surfing or our partners. |
12. | Use of illustrations |
12.1 | Swiss Surfing reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at the event, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. The SSA may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by SSA including but not limited to: website, communications, magazines, social media etc. |
12.2 | A person attending a Swiss Surfing event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers. |
13. | Modification of GTC’s |
13.1 | Swiss Surfing reserves the right to adapt and change the terms and conditions at any time. The customer will be notified of changes to the General Terms and Conditions in an appropriate manner, in particular by appropriate publication on the website. Please therefore consult the website regularly. |
14. | Applicable law / place of jurisdiction |
14.1 | It is Swiss law applicable. The courts at Swiss Surfing’s registered office or at the customer’s place of residence shall, at Swiss Surfing’s discretion, be responsible for assessing any disputes in connection with the use of the website or the use of services. |