Selections for Elite


Elite category surfers will have to show results to be officially selected in the SWISS SURFING TEAM, category Open.  


You must enter in one of the criteria below: 

A-Level selection criteria 

  1. One Challenger series event, passing one round 1, during a calendar year. 
  2. Three different WQS events, passing three times a round of 32, during a calendar year. 

 → Directly selected in the Swiss team for Year+1 and directly selected for International/European team competition. 


B-Level selection criteria  

  1. One competition WQS event, passing one round of 64, during a calendar year. 
  2. In WQS competition, passing three times a round 1, during a calendar year. 

→ Selection after study on profile by Swiss Surfing performance committee, for a potential selection in the Swiss team for Year+1 

Even though a minimum of three WQS per year is asked, we reserved the right to select someone who might have done less due to specific reasons such as medical, lack of budget or any other reasonable situation.
Swiss Surfing reserve the right of selecting someone in the Swiss Surfing team B-Level criteria even though none of the points above are completed.
Being in the Swiss Surfing team B-Level criteria doesn’t mean you are selected in the International/European events. 


Swiss Surfing ELITE Team 

A minimum of three WQS event per year is asked. National tour within the country of residence or any other competition is a plus. 


Team selection for international events 


All athletes from the Swiss Surfing ELITE Team can be selected to the WSG and EUROSURF. The selected athletes are obliged to do competition in the previous and/or present year as explained above – selection for Elite – and match with one of those points:

  • Swiss Surfing will select the surfers accordingly to the selection for Elite criterias above. 
  • This selection is done by results, training commitment, surfing skills, physical skills, motivation, team spirit, mental focus and goals achievement. 


Weighing the results is at the discretion of the selection committee of Swiss Surfing: this will be done by looking at the level of competition difficulty and its participants, as well as looking at the points system applied. 
If a close call is reality, we will look at heat results. 
Finally, we look at the last competed ISA WSG events. 


The decision will be made by the selection committee, namely:  

  • Head of Competitive Sport: Marco Bruni 
  • Technical director: Ludovic Lossky  
  • General Manager: Dario Müller 
  • Coaches we work with. 


We reserve the right to not select an athlete that disregards (or disregarded) the ethic Charta of Swiss Olympic and/or ISA. Disrespectful behavior towards Swiss Surfing or other interferences and non- sportive actions of any kind questioning a representation of Swiss Surfing at an international/European event and/or training, will not be accepted. 

If so, disciplinary sanction will be taken such as suspension and/or definite or indefinite expulsion from the Swiss Surfing team.



A-Level & B-Level:  

The Swiss Surfing’s accommodation and travel allowance are not defined and depend on the total annual budget expenses and strategy. However, Swiss Surfing will try to take as much as expenses as possible. 



Updated on August 2024 and agreed by the entire selection committee.