I Believe in You! – Thank you!

by | May 11, 2024 | OCEAN, SWISS SURFING | 1 comment

“We need YOUR help!”

That was the call a few weeks ago. Now, as the World Junior Surfing Championships in El Salvador are in a full swing, the Swiss Surfing Juniors are still profiting from the incredible CHF 9’000.- you have donated to help them make their dream come true.

Now it is the Juniors’ turn to say thank you and share some of their joy and some insights.


Thank you!


While the competition is still on, here are some pictures from the last week the waves of “La Bocana” and “El Zunzal”:

There is continued live action in El Salvador!

Watch the world elite of the under 18 years old surfers compete on the beautiful waves of La Bocana and El Sunzal for the world title. The Swiss Surfing junior team will guarantee action and stoke in salty water.

1 Comment

  1. Aderino França

    Comment *Parabéns a Suiça por ter a prática do surf mesmo não tendo litoral. Organizada e com equipe no Isa.


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