Tell us your #Oceanstory and get part of the Cine Mar – Surf Movie Night
How it works? Send your clip (HD | 2.30 – 5min) to Surfers Mag ( | email, WeTransfer, Dropbox) until the 27 July 2018. The clip can include everything around the ocean, surfing, traveling and so on. You are eligible to take part if you are resident of Switzerland, Austria or Germany – The clip can be filmed anywhere!
Prices? Yes there are prices worth EUR 1’000 thanks to our generous sponsors!
– 1x Kanoa Surfboard
– 300 Euro von O’Neill als Gutschein
– 200 Euro von Blue Tomato
PRESS RELEASE: Pressemitteilung Home Stories PDF
Supported by: Surfers Mag, Cine Mar Surf Movie Night, SSA Swiss Surfing Association, Deutscher Wellenreitverband DWV, Austrian Surfing and WaveupMag