by | May 1, 2020 | SWISS SURFING | 0 comments

On April 29th, the Swiss Federal Council decided that sports activites can resume, under strict restrictions, from May 11th, if the relevant national sports federation has created an accompanying return-to-sport concept for the protection of participants and their communities.

Swiss Surfing has accomplished the very challenging task of creating and submitting such a concept, with the support of a group of experts, within a very short deadline, and the concept has been accepted by the Swiss Government yesterday (BASPO/BAG).

We are confident that we all can take our own responsibility and work together on the implementation of these concepts, to create a fun, safe, and healthy environment for all surfers within Switzerland.

Here you will find current information from the BASPO on government financial aid in the field of sport, the planned relaxations, dates and deadlines, protection concepts and sports facilities.

On the Vitamin B page you will also find interesting and helpful information, factsheets and recommendations on current issues concerning Covid-19 and the associations.


On May 27th, 2020, the Federal Council has announced an alleviation of the measures to combat the Coronavirus in Switzerland. This is good news for our sport.

SURFING TRAINING: STARTING FROM JUNE 6th, Surfing Clubs & Facilities can resume normal training activities, so long as they follow the conditions described in the Directives below:

In addition, each club must fill out a “Protection Concept” for its own training activities:

The club must keep the concept on hand in case of inspection by the authorities during training.


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